So knitting is a thing that’s been happening…


Still alive.

Still knitting.

Still making the stuffs.

So here’s a little update!

First off I have to show off the perfect jumper, 6 months in the making, almost 1500m of laceweight and millions of stitches (that might be an overstatement, but not by much)

I present, the Lettuce Pullover by Hannah Fettig* (with mods)

Such pretty colours. I love it SO much



I am hanging out with the lovely Ursula on tuesday and if I wear this i will ask her to take some photos. It looked great today with a grey t-shirt and jeans, but didn’t get any good photos i’m afraid. It’s sooooo warm and snuggly too, but still really light! only dilemma is the ribbing on the sleeves doesn’t quite match up. I counted and there’s only 2 rows difference, but it feels like 4. not sure whether to rip back the cast off and knit more, or rip the other sleeve back and redo the bind off… thoughts?

Next up we have a little touch of decadence… I had a skein of beautiful Louet Mooi laceweight* that i bought in canada in 2009. It’s the most expensive skein of (commercial) yarn I’ve ever owned (I spun a cashmere/alpaca blend and plied it with a cashmere/silk blend, which probably ended up more expensive, especially if you include labour costs, but that’s not really the point right now… back to it). I’ve been waiting for the perfect one skein project (only 300m or so of this deliciousness) and when i saw Mrs Moreland’s neckcloth in the first Jane Austen Knits mag, i thought i might just have found the perfect match. I cast on in Copenhagen (yes, that long ago) and finally finished last week. I’ve even worn it since the weather’s turned cold!!

lace, bison, cashmere, bamboo, vintage essence… perfection? possibly!

A hint of what it looks like on – with a sneak peak of the lettuce jumper too!

In preparation for the coming cold (oh how am i going to cope) here in London, I also finally found a project for some pure cashmere that i had – again from Canada (this time from Montreal, not Toronto). I knit this into a circular cowl. The pattern was taken from a stitch dictionary, then adapated for the width i wanted. I knitted until there was very little left and sewed the ends together. I’m still waiting for it to be cold enough to risk spilling stuff on this (you KNOW it’s going to happen!)

So soft and creamy!

And last but not least i have the presents mentioned in the previous post… while the photo of the original yarn has disappeared (!) I do have a photos of one of the FOs. I only have blocking photos of the scarf, and they’re a bit shit, but hopefully as it gets colder I’ll manage to snap a photo of the recipient all rugged up in it!

And a pair of matching mitts

There has also been more baby knitting going on (photos soon) for a little sweetheart back home… Congratulations to dearest Bec and Erik on the arrival of Freja! (It’s never ending!!)

And of course there’s been souvenir yarn buying… coming soon to a blog post near you (I promise!)

* ravelry link